Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blog writing exercise:

Blog writing exercise:

Use the "Imagination Prompt Generator" found on the above link, and select a writing prompt to help you write today's blog.

Describe the perfect summer day. What would you do on that day?

For most and for all, for me, summer is the best season of all. During summer, I will think of ideas what to do during the summer vacation. Who wants to spend their summer days staying home all day ?! Wouldn't it be boring ? Head to the arcade- playing the games offered with our cliques, shop for clothes, listening to music are just most random casual stuffs we did everyday. Wouldn't you want to do something unique than that ? What more, during the summer vacation?
My friends and I will go to the park and we had our own "chill-out". We would do silly and weird stuffs at the park. I know it's kind of silly spending our enjoyable time, acting like clowns in the circus, but wouldn't it be the most memorable moment during the summer days or before the next season arrived?
We would camp at the park, taking photographs, picnicking, skateboarding at the stairways, carving our names on the tree trunk, climb the trees and use our umbrellas to reach the ground like parachuting, find spiders and many more! Doesn't that sounds interesting ?! Summer is rather scorching so why not feeling the breezy air than staying in our room, having our air-cons on ? Anyway, at the same time, we are saving electricity!
During the first week of summer days, my friends and I went to the park to camp . We didn't think of doing the silly stuffs, until the ideas came across our mind when we were star-gazing at night!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dialogue writing

2. Jane's grandfather visited the family over the weekend. Jane is watching a Korean drama on TV in the living room, with her grandfather sitting beside her. Write a dialogue for a conversation between the teenage girl and her grandfather.

Jane : Afternoon grandpa.

Grandfather : Afternoon dear . Wow, i can see that you are a fan of korean drama.

Jane : Of course i do . The shows are pretty interesting . Oh, check out the worker's hair in the show .

Grandfather : ( Laughs ). I used to have afro hair when i was 13. Your great great grandmother brought me to the barber to have my hair cut like typical boys hair. You know child, i cried because i dont want to have my afro hair cut, after keeping that kind of hair for nearly 5 years!. ( Laughs ). Oh , check out his boots !

Jane : Oh my, now i know my grandpa used to have afro hair when he is a youngster . His boots.? ( Laughs ). I prefer having Phua Chu Kang's yellow boots, than having that kind of red boots with spots on it!. No! Check out his mole near his lips . They are so gigantic.!

Grandfather : ( Laughs). Teenage nowadays . Pretty concern about how they appeal and how people appeal to them.

Jane : No, its an opinion and a FACT that he had a gigantic mole near his lips . ( Laughs ). Check out his jacket . Oh, i bought the same kind of jacket as he do! ( Laughs )

Grandfather : Jane, Jane, Jane . ( Nod his head )

Jane : Grandpa, can i ask something.?

Grandfather : Of course Jane . You encounter problems that they are so big as that gigantic mole .? ( Laughs )

Jane : No . Bigger.... bad ..... b...b... bombastic....bb. Ah, anything negative words that can be used to describe my problem with the letter " B " at the front . Look, i just .......

Grandfather : Continue continue . Sorry for the interuption .

Jane : When will mum agree that she will allow me to...

Grandfather : Go somewhere . Somewhere out of this house so that i can feel freedom even im facing my psle next week and then after i feel it, i will continue to study ...

Jane : Grandpa. I know im facing my psle exams next week. The major exam . But the korean artist are here in Singapore. Most of them are my favourite idols!. Im not gonna miss it .

Grandfather : Ok.... errr.... jane . I know you are a big, bombastic...

Jane : Bad . Not bad . BEST FAN OF KOREAN ARTIST.

Grandfather : Im afraid i cant answer your question . Well, maybe we could discuss it later with your mummy after dinner . If i were your mum... i will not agree that you should go to the concert . You know, cheer and sing along with the korean artists.

Jane : WHAT ?. So you and mum behind all these, not letting me go to the concert ?!

Grandfather : No no no dear. Well, just for you, i have to broke the promise between me and mum . We will be going to Korea during the December holidays . Fortunately, the korean artists are having a concert on the 5th day we are there.

Jane : REALLY ?. I cant believe it!. This is so b...b....BEST NEWS OF ALL! Alright, i promise you this . I will off this television and head to my room to study . No Korean shows untill PSLE exam is over . Thank you grandpa . I love you .

Grandfather : Alright then .

Jane rushed to her bedroom to continue where she stop studying .

Grandfather : ( Laughs ). What did i just said ? We are not planning to go to Korea for a holiday . But staying home. Wow, i cant believe what i said earlier is an inspiration to her. Im the BEST grandpa and clever one after all . ( Laughs ).