Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dialogue writing

2. Jane's grandfather visited the family over the weekend. Jane is watching a Korean drama on TV in the living room, with her grandfather sitting beside her. Write a dialogue for a conversation between the teenage girl and her grandfather.

Jane : Afternoon grandpa.

Grandfather : Afternoon dear . Wow, i can see that you are a fan of korean drama.

Jane : Of course i do . The shows are pretty interesting . Oh, check out the worker's hair in the show .

Grandfather : ( Laughs ). I used to have afro hair when i was 13. Your great great grandmother brought me to the barber to have my hair cut like typical boys hair. You know child, i cried because i dont want to have my afro hair cut, after keeping that kind of hair for nearly 5 years!. ( Laughs ). Oh , check out his boots !

Jane : Oh my, now i know my grandpa used to have afro hair when he is a youngster . His boots.? ( Laughs ). I prefer having Phua Chu Kang's yellow boots, than having that kind of red boots with spots on it!. No! Check out his mole near his lips . They are so gigantic.!

Grandfather : ( Laughs). Teenage nowadays . Pretty concern about how they appeal and how people appeal to them.

Jane : No, its an opinion and a FACT that he had a gigantic mole near his lips . ( Laughs ). Check out his jacket . Oh, i bought the same kind of jacket as he do! ( Laughs )

Grandfather : Jane, Jane, Jane . ( Nod his head )

Jane : Grandpa, can i ask something.?

Grandfather : Of course Jane . You encounter problems that they are so big as that gigantic mole .? ( Laughs )

Jane : No . Bigger.... bad ..... b...b... bombastic....bb. Ah, anything negative words that can be used to describe my problem with the letter " B " at the front . Look, i just .......

Grandfather : Continue continue . Sorry for the interuption .

Jane : When will mum agree that she will allow me to...

Grandfather : Go somewhere . Somewhere out of this house so that i can feel freedom even im facing my psle next week and then after i feel it, i will continue to study ...

Jane : Grandpa. I know im facing my psle exams next week. The major exam . But the korean artist are here in Singapore. Most of them are my favourite idols!. Im not gonna miss it .

Grandfather : Ok.... errr.... jane . I know you are a big, bombastic...

Jane : Bad . Not bad . BEST FAN OF KOREAN ARTIST.

Grandfather : Im afraid i cant answer your question . Well, maybe we could discuss it later with your mummy after dinner . If i were your mum... i will not agree that you should go to the concert . You know, cheer and sing along with the korean artists.

Jane : WHAT ?. So you and mum behind all these, not letting me go to the concert ?!

Grandfather : No no no dear. Well, just for you, i have to broke the promise between me and mum . We will be going to Korea during the December holidays . Fortunately, the korean artists are having a concert on the 5th day we are there.

Jane : REALLY ?. I cant believe it!. This is so b...b....BEST NEWS OF ALL! Alright, i promise you this . I will off this television and head to my room to study . No Korean shows untill PSLE exam is over . Thank you grandpa . I love you .

Grandfather : Alright then .

Jane rushed to her bedroom to continue where she stop studying .

Grandfather : ( Laughs ). What did i just said ? We are not planning to go to Korea for a holiday . But staying home. Wow, i cant believe what i said earlier is an inspiration to her. Im the BEST grandpa and clever one after all . ( Laughs ).


THE SCRIBE said...

"i" should always be a capital letter "I". There is no such punctuation "?." Please proof read your writing before you post.

It was an interesting script.

FARINA said...

Haha! I love your script(: It's funny and yeah, your 'i' should be capital. And, haha, keep the good work :D

BlackRoses said...

Very nice. But the i should be capital. hahaha. :)

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