Friday, August 20, 2010

Living in Singapore

I lived in Singapore for the 12th year of my life. I started to treasure more about Singapore when i was 10 years old. First, i have to admit it that i felt that its bored living in Singapore because there is nothing much about it. Example, there is no winter season here. But then, when i started to watch shows and advertisements in the television that are related about Singapore, I begun to like more about the country.

Example, the esplanade. Now, my favorite hobby is watching theaters, musicals and many more. Where else can you watch those like the Esplanade here in Singapore? Yes, there are places like Esplanade in Singapore, but they are very, very few. There was once I went to watch a theatre-more of a musical drama with my dad in the evening, after we had dinner at Swensens. I have to say that the desserts, besides the foods, were awesome ! I ordered two big-sized cups of ice cream with different flavors. The musical was very, very fun and exciting.

Singapore is also made up from different ethnicity and religions. This also can be seen from our pledge, ".... regardless of race, language or religion...". Hence, we celebrated different kinds of ethnic festivals.By this, the friendship that ties between friends from different races can be strong. I am glad that we are the kind of green city. I hope that Singaporeans will maintain the name of "green city" till eternity.

I have been wondering the houses that are built in western countries, example, united kingdom. The houses are very big and levels in the house to stay in. In spite of Singapore's plenty of land, we cant built houses like those in the UK because it can takes up many spaces of land. So, instead of having those houses in the UK, we can use the extra lands for education or others purposes, example, building another HDB Flat so that more people can move in.

I love the environment and the surrounding here in Singapore. I love the ice kacang, a dessert that can be found here in Singapore. You can find it here, but not in other countries. Well, I might say that there are ice kacang in the countries, but wherever you go in Singapore, you can stop by any desserts shops and probably, one of the choices for you to try or pick is Ice Kacang !

In conclusion, Singaporeans has done well in everything they want to achieve. As a gift of " thanks ", I hope that I can do Singapore proud too, just like them. I hope that when I grow up and decided to further my studies overseas, I would want to share it with my friends here in Singapore the wonderful experience.

Singapore is my homeland, and this is where i belong.


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